To officially join the military, you will need a recruiter to complete and schedule your visit at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). During your MEPS visits, they will determine your physical qualifications, aptitude, and moral standards set by each military service branch.

The following includes, but are not limited to services we have no control over:

    • Your enlistment process and waiver approvals.
    • Other tests or requirements to join the military.
    • Job availability or benefits offered by the military.

We can only guarantee that you will have at your disposal our support, experience and expertise, and all the material and resources included in the course.

Most of our students pass the ASVAB, and you can review their scores on our Facebook page. However, this depends on your dedication, time available to study, and other limitations you may have.

The following includes, but is not limited to, guaranties we cannot provide:

    • Passing or obtaining a specific score on the ASVAB military entrance test.
    • Qualifying for a particular job or military branch.

Our resources are limited; therefore, we cannot provide specific accommodations under any circumstances. We recommend a private tutoring service experienced in your particular needs if you require any special accommodations.
